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Additional questions for Scripture Discussion:
What does it say about God (his character, his actions, his plans, etc?)
What does it say about people (their nature, their character, their tendencies, their needs, etc)?
How does it relate to me (how do you relate to the character, truth or situation, did this provoke a personal feeling or thought or question)?
How can I respond (is there something I need to believe, confess, stop doing, start doing, etc)?
The Gospel Story with Study Guide
Bible Project YouTube: BibleProject creates free resources to help you experience the Bible. Search by book, theme, literary style, or even check out their series on HOW to read the Bible.
Learning to....
Be (with Jesus):
I am spending quality time with Jesus to grow in awareness of his love for me and cultivate a deeper love for him.
When and how have I spent time with Jesus this week?
What concerns or desires are competing with Jesus being my first love right now?
Think (like Jesus):
I am proactive in pursuing God’s thoughts about himself, myself and the world.
What has God been highlighting to me recently about himself, myself or the world/people around me?
How have I been responding to what God has been saying?
Love (like Jesus):
I am cultivating the character of Jesus reflected in loving thoughts and actions toward myself and others as I keep in step with the Spirit.
What area of my character is the Holy Spirit highlighting to me recently, and how am I responding?
What important relationship(s) is God highlighting to me right now, and how am I attending to it?
Do (what Jesus did)
I am intentionally sharing and showing the Good News and investing in others to live a better story in my everyday life.
How have I been demonstrating the good news recently with words and actions?
In whom have I been investing my time, talent and treasure so that they can live a better story?
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